Create compassionate and resilient communities where children and families thrive.
Who we are
We are an organization of volunteers in Payne County who bring energy and expertise
to empower change to become a trauma-sensitive resilient county.
We are changing the culture.
Kids who feel like they matter become resilient.
Annette Jacobi

Thank You
to the starting RPC agencies.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
CASA for Kids
Payne County Youth Services The Saville Center
Stillwater Cares
United Way of Payne County Wings of Hope
Thank You
to the starting RPC agencies.
I have seen kids live with ACES - they are real, and they need our help.
Caryl Talley

Bus Stop at SMC Pediatric Clinic allowing children and parents easy access to clinics
Handle with Care, a community partnership program conducted by Stillwater Police Department and Stillwater Public School to ensure children exposed to trauma receive appropriate interventions
Stillwater Public School Board Trauma-Informed Resolution (1st district in the state to pass such a resolution)
Early Bird School Readiness classes to help families get a smart start for school success
Infant Toddler Court program in Payne County to help improve the health, safety, well-being and development of infants, toddlers and families involved in the child welfare system
Youth workshops teaching resilience skills in collaboration with OSU Outdoor Adventure
Expedited the return of the Home Visitation Program Children 1st in collaboration with the OK Department of Health
Professional Continuing Education for public school teachers, preschool educators and area physicians
Community education seminars open to the general public and offered each semester