Get Involved
Each committee's goals are to educate and influence our community on becoming a resilient community.
Committees are a great way to get involved. Look through each committee and their goals and submit your name and email or best way to get in contact with you and why you would like to be a part of a committee.


Build Awareness of ACES and Resilience among Education community – teachers, staff, administrators, school board, parents
Trauma-Sensitive Training - teachers and staff
Build a trauma-sensitive School Climate – design trauma-sensitive instruction
Promote Self Care – teachers and staff 1st then students

Judicial & Law Enforcement
Build awareness of ACES and Resilience among law enforcement officials; judicial system
Trauma-Informed Care Training of Law Enforcement and Legal Community
Implement Safe Babies Program
Build Awareness of ACES and Resilience in the Health Community
Trauma-informed care Training of Health Community
Implement ACES and Resiliency Screening
Increase Local Resources and Services re. ACES and Resiliency
Parenting (Family Classes)
Healthy Steps
SMC Pediatric Clinic Additional Support Staff improve trauma-informed Primary Care
Conducting a State of Babies Payne County Project in collaboration with Payne County Department of Health and Early Childhood Coalition.
Stillwater Family Wellness Center

Build awareness of ACES and Resilience among in the county
Review and Report Trauma-Informed Care Service in the Community
Promoting Community Education (documentary Showing)
Promoting and advancing Community Coalitions and Networks (OJA, ADA, DHS, and SRO)
Liaison to Child Service Providers – keeping these agencies up to date on PCRC
Strengthening the knowledge and skills of citizens on trauma-informed
care – public relations activities