Children's Needs Clothing Counseling Education Elderly Services Emergency Services
Food Housing/Shelter Medical Substance Abuse Transportation Other Services
Mission of Hope
405-332-5521 1804 S. Perkins Rd. Stillwater
Provides emergency shelter, transitional housing, personal housing, food, clothing and habilitation training services to the homeless population.
Payne County Youth Services
405-377-3380 2224 W. 12th St. Stillwater
Provides foster care, transitional living, emergency youth shelter
Wings of Hope
405-372-9922 3800 N. Washington, Stillwater
Shelter to families affected by domestic and sexual violence
Rent/Utility Assistance
Community Action (COCAA)
405-624-2533 410 S. Lewis, Stillwater
We offer utility assistance when funding is available. The client must have a cut-off notice, and must not have received utility assistance in the last 12 months. Applicant must meet our general guidelines.
Church of the Harvest
1718 W Lakeview, Stillwater
We are able to assist those in need with a submission of a benevolence form. We will then review and determine approval.
Mehan Union Church
405-743-2097 8300 E 68th St, Stillwater
Will help with $50 towards utility services when the client has got commitments on paying the remaining amount of their balances.
Salvation Army
405-372-1554 1101 S. Lowry, Stillwater
Eligible for assistance one time per year. Must have a cut-off notice (or past due) notice. 2 current billing statements along with notice. Can be no more than 90 days old. When funds are available.
CREC Energy Makeover
3304 S. Boomer Road
Energy Makeover is a partnership between utilities and faith-based/Nonprofit organizations designed to make a difference in the lives of others by improving the energy efficiency of homes. Utilities provide leadership and training resources to volunteer teams who weatherize homes. The Energy Makeover begins with a basic energy audit, followed by an energy makeover completed by a team of volunteers. The program assists homeowners in curbing high energy costs and promoting stewardship of natural resources through basic energy-use practices. Together, utilities and organizations are Transforming Homes and Transforming Lives.
Habitat for Humanity
405-377-0403 505 E 18th Stillwater
Partners with families who are in inadequate housing situations to get them in simple decent affordable houses, typically through our construction program. The whole process takes about 2 years. Currently our homeowner payments are $$525-$600 per month including escrow.
Stillwater Housing Authority
807 S Lowry, Stillwater The Public Housing program, which includes Roxie Weber Plaza and the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program.
Household Items
Church of Christ
405-372-7439 821 North Duncan, Stillwater
Household items provided to those in need on an available basis.
Habitat for Humanity
405-377-0403 505 E 18th, Stillwater
An individual in need can volunteer 20 hours in our ReStore thrift shop and receive $100 in household necessities. Eligible for the program once a quarter. Examples of items earned could be couches, chairs, tables, dishes and more. No proof of need required.